Buy Now, Decide Later Policy

Buy Now, Decide Later (“BNDL”) Policy

The following terms and conditions apply to the Buy Now, Decide Later (“BNDL") option offered by CouchHaus:

1. Offer Description: The BNDL option permits customers to purchase a Comfy Couch at a discounted rate with the ability to select the fabric, size, dimensions, and customizations at a later date.

2. Payment Terms: Upon opting for the BNDL option and placing an order, the customer will be charged the full amount of the purchase. This charge is immediate and refundable as per the conditions of the Return Policy.

3Purchase Agreement: By opting for BNDL, the customer agrees to complete the purchase of the selected Comfy Couch configuration, subject to the terms herein.

4. Customization Selection: The customer shall have the right, but not the obligation, to select a fabric for the purchased Comfy Couch within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the original purchase transaction. Customization selection is to be communicated to CouchHaus via email.

5. Default Selection: In the event that the customer does not select their customizations within the thirty (30) calendar day period or communicate with CouchHaus to extend this period, the Comfy Couch will be produced and delivered in the default colour, fabric, size and dimensions as per the original purchase details.

6. Return Policy & Cancellations: All BNDL orders are considered Custom Orders and fall under our standard Return Policy. They are eligible for returns, refunds and cancellations. Processing fees and return shipping fees may apply.

7. Modification of Terms: CouchHaus reserves the right to modify these terms at any time without prior notice. Continued use of the BNDL option following any such modifications constitutes the customer’s acceptance of the new terms.

Customers are encouraged to contact CouchHaus Customer Support at for any queries or clarifications regarding the BNDL policy.